Growing Mushrooms at Fayrehale Farm — Have *You* Grown Mushrooms?

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We are ready to add growing mushrooms to our food production exploits here at Fayrehale Farm , the home of Fayrehale Chantecler Chickens.

We have done some reading and feel the decision is with plug seeded logs outside under some conifers and/or button mushrooms in the cellar.  Our 1840 Vermont Village home has a nice, dark, dirt floored, stone walled cellar.

I look at this page as not only a way to share our knowledge and experiences with you but as a way to gain from your knowledge and experience as well!

I look forward to hearing from those of you who have successfully grown your own mushrooms!   Thanks:)


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5 Responses to Growing Mushrooms at Fayrehale Farm — Have *You* Grown Mushrooms?

  1. Karen February 28, 2013 at 7:58 pm #

    Not successful, sorry. Bought the spawn for morels and did exactly as the directions said… not a single one and it’s been 3-4 years.

  2. James Trundy Verrill February 28, 2013 at 8:30 pm #

    Thank you for reporting your experience… We are going to go ahead and give it a try. Think we will use 3 different systems and see if all or any work.

    I will plan to keep everyone up to date on our progress.

  3. Mary Carmen March 1, 2013 at 2:34 pm #

    Very interested in how it turns out, will stay tuned.

  4. Az July 17, 2013 at 10:02 am #

    A good point of reference for you would be

    Check it out !!!

    • James Trundy Verrill July 17, 2013 at 10:04 am #

      Thank you.

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