Royal Mail Delivery !

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This morning’s mail delivered my copy of the August 2013 issue of The British Magazine Home Farmer.  Exciting to actually hold this great magazine and to be able to turn the pages and read it. Sightly over size at 11.75 x 8.25 it is full of helpful articles.  Like magazines used to be here back in the 60s and 70s.

August contents

A quick look at the table of contents shows the great range of articles in this issue!


Suddenly you reach page 23  and there it is!

Pallet Garden Capture-1

The layout about the Pallet Garden here at Fayrehale Farm.


And from Great Britain we head for New Zealand where the pallet garden will be featured  online in Garden NZ  and in the printed magazine Rural Living.

Those of you trying this system should feel free to relate your experiences in the comments section of this entry OR the original blog entry.

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7 Responses to Royal Mail Delivery !

  1. Sandra July 16, 2013 at 7:54 am #


  2. Susan July 16, 2013 at 10:55 am #

    How WONDERFUL is that!!!??? I am so proud and happy for you. You have now accomplished International fame. Well Done JTV! Good on you. The article looks lovely by the way!

    • James Trundy Verrill July 16, 2013 at 10:57 am #

      Thank you Susan…. all because I have the perfect role model !!!!!

  3. Mary Carmen July 20, 2013 at 6:11 am #

    That is great! Very exciting to see your hard work in a magazine, congrats!

  4. Janell Sale August 14, 2013 at 7:55 pm #

    I am an elementary teacher living in Quebec and I would like to introduce my students to hatching chicks. I also have a love for the Chanteclerc chicken and want to combine my endeavor. I would like to get fertilized eggs and incubate them, observe them, hatch them, then I will bring them to my farm and raise them. Do you have any suggestions or advise?

    • James Trundy Verrill August 14, 2013 at 8:13 pm #

      What a wonderful project and a great way to introduce your students to this great Canadian Heritage Breed, the White Chantecler. You need to deal with a Canadian Breeder (Border makes it complicated and expensive).

      Please like the following Facebook page:

      The Original White Chantecler / Le Chantecler blanc original

      This will lead you to many Canadian Breeders of the White Chantecler! Good Luck! I find your project exciting!

  5. Sally January 1, 2014 at 4:36 pm #

    Oh, dear! I’m on a roll now….I enlarged the cover of the HomeFarmer magazine and saw the title for rose hip jam. Reminds me of when my mother (who was always experimenting and trying something new) decided to go around our seacoast town and gather rose petals from the beach roses (Rosa Rugosa) growing wild everywhere. I went collecting with her and later helped her layer petals in jars, some with sugar in between, some with honey. Then I believe she put them in the refrigerator to sit and turn into the most fragrant smelling rose petal jam. No cooking. Just layering and then storing until they formed a fragrant syrup. When my own beach roses start producing, I hope to make some again.

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