Shipping & Returns

Shipping Policy

Most orders ship via U.S. Priority Mail within three (3) business days. This allows delivery to postal boxes. We use a FLAT RATE shipping fee schedule by area/zone.  This amount will be added to your order sub-total. We sell and ship only within the United States. Shipment tracking is available via USPS Priority Mail Tracking. Orders and shipments outside of the United States require prior email communications, arrangements, payments, and additional shipping fees. Local pickup at our store requires prior email communication and arrangements.

Return Policy

All returns must be in original condition and have prior return authorization from us. Returns are only done with prior email communication and arrangements and should be in original packing materials. Customers are responsible for all shipping and insurance costs on all returns. No returns will be accepted after ten (10) days from invoice date. We picture and describe our products in detail.  We pay an experienced person to pack sold items carefully.  There will be a 20% restocking fee on returns to cover costs and expenditures as well as a charge for mailing fees above the flat rate.

To inquire about either of these policies, please contact us.

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