It’s the only thing that there’s just too little of. ……………What the world needs now is love, sweet love, No, not just for some but for everyone. No, not just for some, oh, but just for everyone.
My last Blog post was January 20th of this year and I selected the title and first line above on March 6th of this year! It is now August 11th and time I catch everyone up on the good life at Fayrehale! I am working in my outdoor office:) A shaded location that usually has a breeze on the other side of the lilac hedge. I can see people drive in and work on building the website between customers.
My biggest conflict, I find, is balancing a peaceful connected to the earth and Mother Nature Life while staying aware of the outside world. This year, the primary season and the major party conventions displayed an ugly side of our Country/Society filled with hatred, darkness, corruption and outright fraud. I had to retreat into my world for my own health and sanity. I know how I will cast my vote on November 8th so I have no need to listen to the current attacks or the debates — I can shut it all out and honor my inner Henry David Thoreau and Noah Rondeau!
As January rolled into February, I came to the realization that it was better to start the aesthetic redecorating of the house as it is and not wait for envisioned and planned major renovations! We my not live long enough or ever be able to afford those! This caused me to do the first floor bathroom over. New fixtures, new flooring and newly painted walls. It looks great and is a very comfortable room to use. Then I started on the dining room. It was slow going as the room is fully furnished. I had to do a section at a time, moving furniture out, draping everything w/in spatter range, paint and then after the paint dried, put that area back together! It will get finished this winter after we close Shops At Fayrehale.
I chose a blue for the walls that compliments the art and the furnishings and a darker blue for the floor. I like painted floors and am not swayed by the reactions of horror from friends when they find out I painted hardwood floors! I *hate* hardwood floors, they are not original to our 1840 home and if we ever get to accomplish the major renovations, they will be pulled up so we have the original board floors. As was done in many old houses, I just painted around the large 10×13 rug!
During this time, I was also continuing to work with the Doctors at Dartmouth as we attempted to heal my radiation fibrosis – It had been less than pleasant for 5 years. NOT life threatening, just a pain (literally) and a seeping mess. Finally the Doctor said, if you want to, we can end this once and for all! I listened, decided and scheduled surgery for April 28th. April 28th was selected to get us beyond winter, to fit Tom’s work schedule so he could come to Vermont for 2 weeks and to have me healed enough to open Shops At Fayehale by mid June.
Thursday the 28th of April arrived and off to Dartmouth we went. I knew I would be staying until Sunday. The Doctor worked miracles! He filleted the foul radiation flesh away from my lower abdomen. A 14.5″ incision down my left thigh allowed him to harvest a 4″ x 6″ piece of skin and the necessary blood veins to feed it. This was then tunneled under the 4-5 inches of skin between thigh incision and the area on my lower abdomen where the skin graft needed to be applied.
Pretty remarkable. I had not had to stay in the hospital since 1983 when I had my cancer surgery. Let me just say that medical procedures have developed and advanced at a mind boggling rate! Thankfully. Care while in the hospital has deteriorated — as it is smothering and intrusive when one is not in a serious enough condition to require that type of care! All to cover themselves from liability. Enough said on that.
I was glad to get home and I did follow my Doctor’s orders. It was six weeks before I could wear clothes! The skin graft was in the waist area. I had a comfortable nightshirt for bed (need to have something I could pin the drain to) and three Amazon close-out specials ($4.50 ea.) that were a Halloween design of ghosts and pumpkins:) Turns out the ghosts glowed in the dark! I had a pair of oversized, loose coveralls for trips to Dr. or town.
I did behave and as it became 5 weeks out, I tested my limitations and then rested if I had gone too far. We did a Major relay in Shops At Fayrehale so we could fit the Barrister Bookcase in for more display space. Fortunately, it consists of eight sections.
The ca. 1900 Corner Cupboard was moved over by the door in to the backroom.
After skipping a year, I am back to sleeping in a tent from May until October. We created a new set up with a new tent that can now be taken down and stored over the winter. The old real box spring and two mattresses is no more! A Queen size 22″ deep air mattress with a phenomenal memory foam pad makes for comfortable, deep sleep and the cool nights (sometimes even Chilly!) make the hot and humid days easier to take.
The opposite end has the two reading chairs which in reality are more apt to be piled with books and clothes. Right now I also have a cage with 9 very special Sigrid Line Icelandics that need to be kept separate. They will move out to another grow pen in two weeks.
The Chicken business continues and we shipped Icelandic and Chantecler chicks and eggs all over the Country. The last batch will be mailed Tuesday and we can finally shut the incubator off, move the chicks out of the kitchen and start dusting the house! The incubator was filled and started in April so the first hatch would be in May after I came home from the hospital. If you are interested you can find out about both the Icelandics and Chanteclers online. Those seriously looking to learn about the Icelandics should also join this very educational group.
We have added some special, exciting and natural new products to Shops At Fayrehale and to our online selection!
1st: All Natural Green Mountain Tick Repellent – Made right here in Vermont. We swear by it and that is why we added it to the Shop! Abigail has not had a tick this year. We use it on ourselves as well and the smell is delightful. A customer in CT emailed that she took her dog to “tick heaven” to play. She was using GMTR but did not put it on her dog as he had the injected by the vet repellent. After the session, she was tick free and she removed 6 from her dog! Doesn’t get any worse than CT when it comes to ticks!.
2nd: “Stops Leg, Foot and Hand Cramps” – Discovered by the Amish while they were still in Europe and brought to this country sometime in the 1880’s. I was introduced to this by a good friend in VA who stopped to visit after hearing about my suffering a horrible hour of cramps and spasms. I experienced this after a couple hours of stacking wood. I dare say that I have never lived a worse hour. She generously gave me half of her bottle. WOW! I was so thankful as it works. It has taken the fear away and if I suspect that I may cramp after a task, I take it preemptively.
3rd: “Stop Acid Reflux” was also discovered by the Amish while they were still in Europe and brought to this country sometime in the 1880’s. It is made by the same people who do the “Stops Leg, Foot and Hand Cramps”.
4th: ALL NATURAL Dog Treats-Cookies. Made in New Hampshire with the best quality ingredients. If it isn’t good for us why would we feed it to our Canine Family Members? Each cookie is baked by hand in small batches and made of 100% human grade ingredients, sourced in the USA.
The Porcelain Artist who Hand Paints Porcelain “In the Style of Celia Thaxter” continues to work on the Dinner Service. The Lilac Place Setting Hand Painted in the Style of Celia Thaxter is finished!
This place setting joins the Rosa Rugosa, The Woodbine and the Asters place settings. Ten more to go!
This Spring when I was painting the dining room I though about how we want to display this special dinner service when we are not actually using it. I found acrylic display fixtures online and one day when I needed a change of pace, I tried them out in a cabinet in the parlor that is visible from the dining room.
The display fixtures worked as I hoped they would and between this cabinet and another we will be able to enjoy this dinner service every day.
I was taken by surprise at how quickly we lose condition when we are laid up after surgery AND how long it takes to regain it! I am still working on that as I help Tom stack wood — later than ideal due to surgery. I have rolled with it and figure that this year, I can only do what I can do. This means no garden was planted and I can live with that. We have a good local farm stand near by and I did not want to waste seeds (some special) by starting too late.
I was very surprised that the day after surgery, my abdomen with its 4″ x 6″ graft did not hurt! I was pain free in that area for the first time in over 5 years! Used to it now:) but for a while after surgery it would dawn on me with surprise “I don’t hurt anymore”. The 14.5″ incision in my thigh was another situation! It has healed and we must have been a sight to see after surgery when on Tom’s arm, I was walking down the road in a Halloween nightshirt! Three or for times a day and a little further each day.
If you have made it this far! You are a real trooper. I am headed out to finish late chores and move some chicks around so I can pull those still in the incubator out.
I do hope you are all having a good year and have worked out how to live life without being overcome by politics and the media!
Vote your own conscience — do not vote from fear.
I will try not to take another seven month break.
How lovely and inspiring to see all you have accomplished! You certainly don’t let any grass grow under your feet. I love the painted floors and am a fan, myself, of this practical and beautiful option. The store looks wonderful as usual and I am thrilled to hear that your surgery remains a success. My deep admiration for your ability to “live well.” May you be overwhelmed by the return of the love that you share~
Thank you Susan!!