Time Flies by this Time of Year.

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Time seems to have gotten away from me as I move through one day after the other progressing towards Memorial Day when we can plant the garden.  I have learned over a life time NOT to push it!  No matter how warm and beautiful it may be,  the soil hasn’t really warmed and there can still be frosts. Like the three frosts we experienced last week after nearly two weeks of sun and temperatures in the 70s and low 80s.  We have to get past the Corn Planting Moon in May!

The people who rush, replant!  OR the seeds lay dormant and wait.  By June and July our garden, though started later, will equal or surpass the early planters.

This time of year is one of my favorite! (I say that about every season:)  I do love lilac season.  We have in excess of 60 lilacs blooming here and I can always find a spot to plant one I do not have in the collection.


“Maiden’s Blush”

“Maiden’s Blush” is a nice pink.  We also have a couple “Primrose” (yellow)  and have been lucky to obtain from a private collection such rarities as “Priscilla” and “Banner of Lenin”.”Excel” and “Annabelle” are heavy bloomers and “Annabelle’s” fragrance permeates the back yard. “Beauty of Moscow”, “Sensation”  and  “P P Konchalovskii” are favorites. I feel guilty for not mentioning all the others as I LOVE them all!

Once the 40 some odd named hybrids bloom, the Canadian lilacs will  bloom and extend the season.  The yard is intoxicating right now with the perfume of the lilacs. I can’t remember it ever being this powerful.  A perfect year for lilacs.


“Silver King”


“Sister Justina” (left) & “Betsy Ross” (right) are nice white lilacs

There have also been some additions to the poultry here at Fayrehale.  I knew the American Buffs were setting and one day while walking Abigail on the other side of the fence, I discovered the Sepastopol/American Buff cross goose on a nest!


Not sure the eggs under the American Buff (left) will hatch. There was a hard freeze the night before she settled on the nest and I believe they should have hatched by now.  Wednesday the crossed goose (right) presented me with her 4 new goslings!  They will raise them.  What a joy to see them around.  They make me smile.


Besides the new goslings we have added some Saxony Ducks


The Guinea Fowl, which have been free on tick patrol for several weeks, immediately rushed to the back yard to see what this new intrusion was.  It was comical to watch them chatter and discuss the situation before going off about their business.

We continue to ship White Chantecler chicks and hatching eggs around the Country. It is nice to have these small flocks starting as the White Chantecler is a Canadian Heritage Breed that nearly disappeared.

And believe it or not we actually took some time two weeks ago to have our first (and only one this substantial!) cookout of the season.  After this one it will be chicken and burgers when we can find (make) the time!


That shares a little of our busy lives these past few weeks.  I plan to move into our summer sleeping quarters this week!


Summer Sleeping

Everything will be ready for the move to summer quarters once I get the blankets and comforter washed, dried and moved out.  This will be the third season we have slept outside. (Queen size bed in this tent! I am too “mature” for sleeping bags on the ground).  We will move back in to the house in October sometime.

This arrangement gives us plenty of fresh air and enhances our closeness to the natural world.

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One Response to Time Flies by this Time of Year.

  1. Mary Carmen May 18, 2013 at 5:38 am #

    Love the tent sleeping! Still have my eyes open for a good deal on a big tent. and yes, I must say I was rushing to plant but have not, still too cold. I harvested a bunch of radishes yesterday that I planted from seed. Have been eating my lettuce and spinach is almost ready. Soil is still too cold for all the other vegies. Almost frost here again last night, not even sure if the soil will be ready next weekend:(

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